The Makings of a Creative Person: How to Harness Your Inner Creator

The Makings of a Creative Person: How to Harness Your Inner Creator

A creator often have this image of a person lost in their own head – kind of crazy, slightly unbalanced but in a really, really good way. To normal people, they seem to have a world of their own where they go to create the amazing things that they produce. And it often seems that the so-called mess in their heads is something that’s unique only to a number people, when really, everyone has it.

Yes, you’ve heard me right. We all have it. It’s present amongst kids and adults alike, individuals like me and you – the only difference is that a creator carries a strong spirit for invention. Oftentimes, the creative streak common among mundane individuals usually lies dormant, waiting to be awakened.

So if you dream of becoming a writer, composer, painter – in any medium, lyricist, filmmaker, or entrepreneur, you should go do it. Now your initial reaction might be to tell me that you’re not that good at it, but this piece is here to tell you that “greatness will come along”. The first thing that you should do to find your inner creator is to give yourself the permission to do so.

Just say yes. Those thoughts that you have or imagines that pop in your head when you’re trying to go to bed – idea of a personal art project or a concept of an app that can help lessen texting and driving – entertain them. Open your doors to them and give in. If you think those are just fantasies, you’re wrong. Those ideas could be the seeds of books, songs, and paintings. And as you allow yourself to see the seeds for what they are and what they could be, you’re letting your inner creator come out. If you’re waiting for the permission to go out and be creative, this is it.

Once you’ve given yourself the permission to create something, it’s time for you to be audacious – believe in yourself that whatever you make can be amazing. It’s not that we’re telling you to be boastful, we’re simply telling you to encourage yourself and rely on your skills. It may sound delusional, but it’s totally fine. Besides, who else would encourage you – aside from this blog post – but yourself? Go on and know that those hands can shape something beautiful that deserves to be seen and heard.

You would, of course, say that there’s a catch: the confidence that this article wants you to have may be disproportionate to your abilities. So you’ve allowed yourself to create, believed with all your heart that is great, but turns out, it’s really not. What now? Keep going. You can never improve or perfect something if you don’t let it exist in its imperfect form.

Don’t kill your darlings, yet. The idea should be that your ideas need not to be perfect, it just needs to be something that can be developed and can take different shapes or forms. Allow it to grow into what feels right to you as you go along.

Don’t let perfectionism get in your way, instead, make it help you enhance your skills further. Once you’ve done that, try to get that honey. You don’t always have to stick to extremely creative pursuits like the ones mentioned above to bring out your  creativity, you can also apply it in different fields of work.

Just take a look at how the coworking industry went. Someone decided that we need a different and unique kind of workspace that would energize us and our creative juices. And there, the shared office was born. Created with an open layout design that can cultivate communication and collaboration, the industry rapidly grew as people got introduced to a new and more optimized way of working. Providers like us, Sales Rain, opened the doors of professionals to autonomy and flexibility. The perks members of serviced offices now have, came to be because of the uniqueness of the idea.

If you remain to be unsure of pursuing that ridiculous fantasy, just take a look at how this industry went to become and the lives it affected.

This could be your calling to entertain that silly ideas of yours.

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