Got a Lot on Your Plate? Learn The Magic of Just Getting Started

Got a Lot on Your Plate? Learn The Magic of Just Getting Startedser

So you’ve got a lot of things to do on your plate, not to mention that each one carry their respective deadline that you need to meet. And though you’re well aware of the time constraint that you have, you can’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed. Unsure of what you should do, you tend to take your sweet time figuring out which task should you do first – though this is not entirely bad, it’s not ubiquitously good either. For the reality is, you don’t really have much time on your hand.

And maybe you’ve tried several tricks or so-called life hacks from countless articles and books on productivity but have you tried this one simple yet undeniably complex action? Getting started.

If you haven’t, then maybe it’s time you get familiar with micro-progress.

Sounds gimmicky? It’s not some hocus-pocus phenomena like it sounds, the idea’s really just this: for any project or assignment that you need to complete, break each one of them down into the smallest possible units of progress and tackle them one at a time. Starting something sounds easy but it’s one of the many things we actually struggle with every day.

For example, you’re a hand-lettering artist with several invitations for different events to do. Instead of approaching the task as creating a certain invite for a certain event, break down the very first few steps you take and keep slicing them up into tiny, easily achievable micro-goals, then celebrate each achievement. First, look for inspiration on what you’ll be doing. Second, prepare the materials you’ll be doing. Third, start your initial draft. So on and so forth.

The whole trick of getting started has been called by several names – the 5-minute rule, the 2-minute rule, and the 1-minute rule, to name a few – but its purpose remains consistent: kick starting you on an activity. Others have used Newton’s Laws of Motion as an analogy for it.

“Objects in motion tend to stay in motion,” applying this law into productivity helps you shift your frame of thinking – I started to be productive, so I should continue being productive. With this, you can easily achieve those micro-goals at what feels like an exponentially fast pace without you realizing it. Before you know it, you’ve completed your first batch of collaterals.

Another law from Newton is “force equals mass times acceleration”. In layman’s terms, if you want your project to accelerate in a particular direction – say, that of a successful direction – then the size of the force you apply and the direction of the force you’re giving,  both creates a difference.

The funny thing is that, it’s the same thing that we’ve been doing in order to get things done in our life. Productivity isn’t just about the magnitude of your work, it’s also about working on things that really matter. You only have a limited amount of force in you and where it goes is important.

It’s not just another life hack; science has shown that we can trick our brains into getting started and increasing dopamine levels by setting and achieving micro-goals. Moreover, we all know the saying success begets success, the progress you make – no matter how ordinary they may be – can help increase your engagement and happiness at work.

And if you’re looking for inspiration on how you should be getting started on that dream start-up of yours, this is it! Success has to begin somewhere, so go take the risk and partner up with us! Sales Rain believes in the greatness that small goals can bring. It’s the reason why our team of professionals strive hard in providing today’s work force with sustainable work environments that can help them on their journey towards success. With a wide variety of spaces customizable depending on your needs, you can kick start your career as a freelancer or as a young entrepreneur by acquiring a serviced office.

Beat that big challenge by compartmentalizing them piece by piece. What else are you waiting for? Go on! Start that project and let your small goals lead you to something entirely bigger!

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